Simply SIGN UP by providing some basic information, and specifying your delivery address or Click n Collect collection point. Then, you’re ready to get started
Yes you can, but you won’t be able to view your previous orders, do repeat orders.
In the unlikely event that you are not happy with your purchase, absolutely. You can return the item on condition you have your invoice and that the purch
Click on the LOG IN link and enter the login details you provided during the sign up process.
ase is in good order to resell. Separate arrangements will have to be made after delivery to process a return. Contact customerservice@titambire.com to make arrangements.
Simply click LOG IN and then select the Forgot Your Password? option. You’ll be asked to enter your details, and then we’ll send a password reset link to the email address you’ve registered with us.
Occasionally, a product you’ve requested won’t be available. In this case, we will take into consideration the cost, brand and size of the product you requested, and choose the most appropriate substitute.
24-48hrs Delivery Orders, 24hrs Pick up from store
Visa card, Mastercard, Ecocash, Telecash, Vpayments
No. We will contact you with news of special offers and promotions only if you agreed to this.
There is no minimum order value.
We call recipient first before we deliver, in the event that no one is available to accept and sign for your delivery, the driver will wait for 10 minutes, after which the order will be returned to us, Our Customer Call
Centre will contact you to arrange an alternative delivery time. You will be liable for a re-delivery fee